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What type of properties are you looking for? (Check all that apply)
Single Family Homes
Multi Family (2-4)
Multi Family (5+)
Mixed Use
Mobile Homes/Mobile Home Parks
Storage Units
What Condition of Property are you comfortable purchasing (Check all that apply)
Turnkey (rent- ready)
Light Cosmetic Fixer
Heavy Rehab
Land Development
What price range are you comfortable investing in? (Select one or prove a range)
Under $100K
$500k - $1M
Custom Price Range- ( Provide a range)
What ROI and/or Cap Rate ( Optional: Percentage or Expected margin)
How quickly are you looking to make your next investment?
Immediately (0-3 months)
Soon (3-6 months)
Future (6+ months)
What areas do you currently invest in (list specific cities, zip codes or states)
What is your preferred exit strategy? (Check all that apply)
Buy & Hold (Rental Income)
Fix & Flip
Lease Options
Seller Financing
Short Term Rentals
BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat)
How do you plan to finance your purchases? (check all that apply)
Hard Money Loan
Private Money
IRA/Self-Directed 401(K)
HELCO (Home Equity Line Of Credit)
Traditional Mortgage (Bank loan)
JV Partnership (Joint Venture)
Do you already have financing pre-approved?
Working on it
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Do you have a proof of fund or pre-approval letter available upon request?
Working on it
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Do you have any specific criteria or deal-breakers we should be aware of? (Optional: List any special preferences or concerns) 83x0 7frt